Custom Post Types

I found in the Pulse 5 settings Section the “Customer Post Types” - this might be, just what i was looking for …

but i can’t find a way to use it in my project - can anyone tell me, how to use it, after i set up a custom Post Type?


The Pulse manual on page 28 shows how to use the Custom Post Type.
Is that what you mean?


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Great tips there by @Oliver

Please share with us what you can @Gohanova around what you are trying to achieve and will help to let you know if that’s possible or not with that feature or another :slight_smile:


I have a restaurant and Saal Business Sites -

I am hoping to implement a good Data-Entry Mask for Opening Hours and the Menu of the Restaurant, with 3-4 different, repeating data-entrys:

Category (Starters, Main course, Pizzas, )
Name of the Dish

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The idea with this tag is that a site selling books (for example) would have fields for ISBN, cover image, date published, price, availability etc. These can be created and managed from the settings panel. Then using the new tag, for example {{custom_post_type:book/hercules}} the custom post data will appear on the front end. Useful for listing data or create e-commerce sites.

So in the case of Opening Hours this could work - but you could also just use a Table in the Editor and make a Block “opening-hours” and when they edit that Block it changes the opening hours. This Block can appear as many times as you want across the site.

For the menu, you could use a table again or yes just the Custom Post Type tag :slight_smile:
So add the data in the settings > custom post type then call it in the page using the Tag.

This seems lie a good match and for a use case in which it was intended :wink:

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