Multi language website without duplicating

Hi @pulsecms
The JS version should be a lot faster than the htaccess one as it is simply switching content that has already been loaded. Obviously the downside is that I’d imagine the majority of users won’t switch the language and therefore won’t benefit from the extra page load times.

No I’ve not used anything like this before on a Pulse site but I can imagine that it would be useful for small sections of content.

Do you really think that the page would load slower with al the extra content in? Your mini-js is about 0.001 nanobyte I guess, and the whole testpage is 9KB with content and inline js and inline css. Suppose it would be 20 times larger, still not too much. Apart from the images then. But those only need to be once on the page.
Most people only want english as extra langage, so…I am not too worried about that.
I find it very super solution for some of my one-page-scroll-site clients!

As with everything web I think you just need to keep an eye on the overall page size. If it works for your audience then it’s a winner! :slight_smile:

There’s an addon for this now:

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And also a Stack for RapidWeaver