Using Pulse in Blocs

I have build a test site to get my head around using Pulse with Blocs but when I save the site as a Pulse template and publish to the web only the home page displays. If I click any of the navigation links for other pages (which work in the none Pulse version) I get an error “The requested URL /gallery was not found on this server.”

It was suggested by Norm over on the Blocs forum:"
“Make sure you have the correct FTP settings set up to use pulse. There are specifics required that’s outlined in the Pulse docs.”

However I can’t see anything in the docs specifically for ftp other than for the Serif app.

If anyone with experience of using Pulse with Blocs could help by pointing out what I’m doing wrong I would really appreciate it.


Hi Richard,

Do you have a test link?

Did you include the generated files into a working pulse installation?

Thanks, Jannis

Hi Jannis,
I have just done a fresh install of Pulse and uploaded the Content and Template generated by Blocs
Here is a link:


He Richard, when you work in Blocs and you preview in browser your project does the links work?
or if you export your project local as a normal Blocs ‘quick export’, and open the project in your browser, does the links work?

other tip:
if you make a new pulse install, test if the standart pulse demo is working, if everything works, simply DELETE the folders Content and Template on the server. and THEN put yours on the server ( i was in the beginning also confused.)


Hi Sandy,
Yes it previews fine in browsers with all links working.
Just did another complete Pulse install and everything seems to be working now. I have no idea what was causing the problem before though!

NICE, so you have Blocs & Pulse up and running, now its testing time

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