Cannot create new blog post if logged in as editor

Just launched a new site. Have granted client Editor status. We have found that she can edit blog posts, but cannot create a new on. If she clicks New it just returns to dashboard.
Have I missed something?
Version 5.10

also just noticed its not possible for editor to upload images into any media folder...

I have just launched another site with 5.10 and have the same proble, Now I have to grant admin status to these clients which I am not happy about.

@jdloudon were you able to set it in permissions?

Yes, I can anable editor user. And assign a password. And can log in as editor. But once in cannot add new post. But can edit existing one.

I'm new to Pulse. Was this functionality there in older versions? I wonder if it was restricted by design.
Maybe they felt the editor role should be there to only review text on the blogs or something.

Posting as an editor should be enabled by default once editor user is enabled in the settings.
Upon testing, we're getting mixed results but we are actively looking to resolve this at the earliest.

I have a site running 5.3.2 and it works perfectly in this respect. Seems to be the new version which has a problem. Please let us know.

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