End user adding pages with Rapidweaver

Okay, maybe I’m missing something…

in the “Be a Better Weaver Lesson 4” email blast, in the Pulse CMS section it states

They (the client) can add any content, anywhere they like and can even decide to add new pages to a site.

Ummm, how?

  • When building with Rapidweaver, we have to position the “content blocks” in static locations, how could the end user put content “anywhere they like”?
  • And I don’t see how the client can “add new pages to a site” seeing as Rapidweaver doesn’t even touch the “Pages” folder inside of Pulse… where would the client be adding pages?

These are things I would love the end user (client) to have (that and Pulse “tags” support) but I don’t see how they have it now…

See email:

With Pulse CMS you can create your pages in RapidWeaver and edit the whole thing online somewhere.

Currently it is not possible to create pages inside RW from the Pulse CMS Dashboard. We are looking into this later the year when doing a more tight integration. Then, “native” tag support inside RW pages should also be possible.

Stay tuned… :+1:

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This is coming in a Stacks update soon :slight_smile:

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