Justforms - is that still a thing?

When I bought by Pulse subscription Justforms came with it. Now I cannot login anymore. Did new Pulse ownership include this?

It still works for me, I have several active forms through it.

Okay thanks, I set one up a month or so ago. Now I cannot log into the site. Maybe a temp server problem.

Well I still cannot log into their site. And the password reset is not working. Are you using https://justforms.net/ to get in, or has that changed/

Hi James, and the rest of the Pulse family,

It is a while since I have contributed so here goes ... on the subject of Forms!

Back when I believe Michael introduced us to "Just Forms" I happened myself to be searching for such a tool for a Motor Sport Racing Track Association. They needed most of the functionality that the then version of Just Forms offered. I discovered and finished up using a package called "Easy Forms". It is still available from CodeCanyon at https://codecanyon.net/item/easy-forms-advanced-form-builder-and-manager/14176957.

The product is actively supported and the latest release was sent out to me just a week ago!
For $US 29.00 I would highly recommend you check the above link. The beauty of using "Easy Forms" is that you install it on "yours or your clients server". The install package works every time.

Just make sure your server offers:

  • Web Server Apache (Recommended), Microsoft IIS or any similar web server
  • PHP Version v5.6 or above
  • Database MySQL v5 or higher suggested
  • Cron Job (Optional. Used to update stats and send async notifications)

Ace Tutor
(alias for John)

That looks good, thanks John.

Yeah "Just Forms" IS "Easy Forms..." Look at the code on one of your "Just Forms" forms...

  • <meta name="generator" content="Easy Forms 1.6.7" />
  • and not even an updated version of it, as "Easy Forms" is up to version 1.14.2
  • and does this login screen look familiar... https://demo.easyforms.dev/user/login

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