Misbehaving TAGS


I noticed that some of the Pulse tags do not work properly when they are used on a website page which is located in a subfolder of the website.

It concerns the following tags : {{gal}}, {{slide}} and {{form}}.

I corrected these errors as follows :

For the gal and the slide tag the $path_new var needs to have an initial value of “/”.

gal.php line 17 needs to be changed into $path_new = ‘/’;

slide.php line 13 needs to be changed into $path_new = ‘/’;

form.php line 99 needs a slash in front of “inc/tags/…”

You might consider to use “<?php echo $path; ?>/” in stead of “/” in these 3 modifications

thanks @boisdejardin! Noted and will fix this for a future release
Cheers for the info + feedback!