Pulse logo header URL problem

The top right hand corner pulse image on front page of website when i click prview from admin contains an extra "/" ie: the path is https://hiya.site/admin//index.php and not https://hiya.site/admin/index.php if i click it i get back to admin but as soon as i try and save anything it crashes out to the login screen and loses all .css ( a white screen with just the login box)

Hi @toneharb

Thanks for bringing this up. I can see why it's redirecting to //index.php but I'm able to save the changes made from the admin page. Can you provide more details about which part of the admin page are you trying to save changes with that craches you out to the login screen?


I'm just avoiding replicating this for now, but it was definitely happening to settings page (general settings), i noticed the PATH field was then not empty it had been replaced with /admin//index.php!

Hey @toneharb

We were able to replicate the issue and we're happy to let you know that this has been fixed in our upcoming version 5.3.8, thanks to you! :grin:


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