Unlimited users coming soon 🍁

Unlimited User Management for Pulse coming soon...

Admittedly we thought the offline blogging capabilities in Pulse 5.2 BETA2 would be the clincher but we've now got something else exciting to announce.

Since Pulse5 there's been two users: Admin and Editor. The site webmaster and the user (usually the client of the freelancer or design agency).

But there were a number of people requesting more. Perhaps for larger sites this would be ideal so we're happy to announce that in 5.2BETA3 there'll be this feature ready for testing.

Unlimited user management!

It will be possible to add as many users as you’d wish via the Admin settings and assign them Admin, Editor or Guest roles. So you can have a number of editors or a number of guests. Then you can assign what Blocks/pages they can see and edit. With the Guest as read only.

You’ll now be able to add more contributors to big sites like schools and universities (faculties) or for membership sites for private communities where you want users to access secret / paid for information, for example.

This is early days and will need feedback once it's out but it carves a nice way forward for users who want to create these kinds of sites with Pulse.

And, there's a list of another 40+ improvements, new things and fixes in BETA3 that will be announced shortly once it's out. It will be this Autumn :maple_leaf: so get ready! :zap:


Great idea Michael!
Pulse is a great CMS.
The only weakness is lack of manual.
For example, it is not enough to state the existence of a plugin.
It is necessary to write detailed specifications plugin and the like.
They will be new, inexperienced users.
They will need a detailed manual.

I write because of other things.
It is possible to create simple plug-ins of everyday data updates,
(calendar of events, extended maps, galleries, bids, links, and other data),
which need to load inbound data stored e.g.
in the json file (json.json, json.js, json.txt and also json.jsonp).

The question is:

  • Where to save json file data?
    Save json file to block (sb_json.txt)
    It is susceptible to spoilage file
    everyone can see sensitive data.
  • Where to save file manager json?
    Are you thinking of such a possibility for Pulse?

Does anyone have a good idea?

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Thanks @IvaRo - you are right there needs to be more detailed docs for Plugin guidelines and best practices. This is something we want to do.

But you are free at the moment to write plugins as you wish. Add them to the inc/tags/ folder. You could save the data into a json file situated into the /inc/tags/tag-name folder? And write and pull in data from there? And the file can be json filetype.

Be interesting to see what plugins you are planning to create and let us know if you need anymore specific help! :slight_smile:

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